A Tea By Any Other Name . . .

All tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, a warm-weather evergreen. How the fresh leaves of the tea plant are processed and their level of contact with oxygen determine resulting types of tea. During oxidation, tea leaves undergo natural chemical reactions that result in distinctive color and taste characteristics. Green tea is not oxidized at all—the leaves are steamed, rolled and dried while black tea is allowed to oxidize for two to four hours. Oolong tea falls somewhere between green and black teas, in that the leaves are only partially oxidized.

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Prepared by Joseph P. Simrany
President, Tea Association of the U.S.A., Inc.

If anyone believes that the United States Tea Industry is not undergoing a dramatic period of change, they should take a quick tour of their local supermarket and observe what is happening. Even within this single distribution channel, change is pervasive and immediately apparent.

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By Alan Bjerga

Sept. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Tea may improve the ability to concentrate because of a substance found almost exclusively in several types of the beverage, according to research presented at a conference highlighting ties between tea and good health.

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When, Where and By whom was tea first discovered?

The first references to tea go back nearly 5,000 years and are understandably obscure.  Many countries have their own version of how tea was discovered, but the Chinese version is the oldest.  According to Chinese literature, Emperor Shen Nung, who was known, as the “Divine Healer” would routinely boil his drinking water before consuming it, a healthy practice even by today’s standards.  As the story goes, one day some leaves from a nearby tree fell into the pot, which resulted in an excellent tasting and fragrant beverage.  For the record, tea grows on bushes which are usually kept pruned to 3 feet but, left unattended in the wild, could easily grow to a tree of 30 or more feet high.  In this manner, according to legend, tea was discovered.

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ChinaAPortrait 2006年中國生産了102萬噸茶葉(中國統計局數字)。這是首次超越印度成為世界最大的茶葉生産國家。與此同時,國内消費量創歷史紀録達到66萬噸,盡管受到嚴格的日本和歐盟農藥殘留(最大殘留限制)、人民幣升值和生産成本上升的影響,出口顯示邊際成長了28.7萬噸

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February 14 - 16, 2008:

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中國時報 2008.03.05  鹿谷鄉農會 推精典茶藝班    葉明憲/鹿谷報導

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