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Oolong teas are semi-fermented teas.  The taste and the aroma of Oolong teas vary based on fermentation time (in percent).  The longer the fermentation, the darker it will become. When this occurs, one can then smell the aromas of chestnut, cereal and toasted bread.  On the contrary, when less fermented and greener, Oolong teas will the taste greener, floral and fruitier. Leaves used are generally ripe, hence contain less caffeine and tannin.

Country :   Taiwan

Ti Kuan Yin (Déesse de Fer de la Miséricorde)


Origine: Taiwan

Type: Thé semi-fermenté (Oolong)

Ti Kuan Yin produces a fragrant orchid-like aroma when steeped, the tea may be very floral or very fruity also. Ti Kuan Yin is a traditional Chinese tea. It is a premium variety of Chinese oolong tea associated with Anxi in the Fujian province. Named after the Buddhist deity Guan Yin, it has also been translated as "Iron Goddess of Mercy". Recently the tea has been grown in Nantou, Taiwan where it thrives...click on ''Detail'' for more informations.

Moment : all day

(boite/tin) 50 gr.   6,50$(boite/tin) 100 gr.   12,75$(refill) 100 gr.   12,25$

Se Chung


Origine: Taiwan

Type: Thé semi-fermenté (Oolong)

Description: Beautiful, yellow liquor. Its fruity flavour yields a little liquorice. We recommend it for beginners.

Moment : All day

(boite/tin) 50 gr.   5,60$(boite/tin) 100 gr.   10,90$(refill) 100 gr.   10,40$

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Although based in Paris since 1919, the story of tea merchants, Betjeman & Barton began in Dublin when Mr. Betjeman trained in the Dublin School of Tea in 1910-1911 based at the time in Trinity College. (The fighting Irish are the world's greatest tea drinkers!). Mr. Barton, his model employee, soon became a business partner. The science of tea helps create bonds of confidence and friendship and naturally, Didier Jumeau-Lafond, who fell into a cup of tea as a child, was requested by Mrs. Betjeman to take over Betjeman and Barton in 1978.

The Betjeman and Barton teas are highly elaborated following centuries of old traditions.

These teas are sold loose in 125g, 50g tins or in muslin tea bags. The tea bags are made of pure muslin and have large enough mesh to allow optimum infusion. These bags are hand sown, one by one and each big enough to contain 2 grams of tea. This operation is executed with great delicacy so as not to damage or crush those great garden teas. And during infusion they allow the leaves to swell and release their aroma.

How to make a good cup of tea according to Didier Jumeau-Lafond.

First, you must simmer the water and not boil it. The water must be as 'soft' as possible. Some tea drinkers even use mineral water.

All tea pots are good to use even though the great connoisseurs prefer porcelain or terra cotta to silver. However try to choose a tea pot with a long spout to expose the tea to the air during pouring. Never use a detergent to clean your tea pot. Rinse it and then leave it to dry. This way a brown deposit will form itself on the bottom of the pot. Tea is in many ways like coffee you'll appreciate it more if you use old tea pots.

Always warm your tea pot with simmering water before using it.

Two grams of tea per person are enough to make an excellent tea. Make it a habit of measuring a spoonful for each person and an extra one for the pot.

Three to five minutes are usually sufficient according to your taste and the tea you choose. A bitter taste is acquired when you use boiling water and if you leave your tea to brew too long.

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