目前分類:Oriental Beauty (Formosa Oolong) (7)
- Jan 12 Sat 2008 02:09
- Jan 10 Thu 2008 19:21
Imperial Bai Hao (Formosa) Oolong
Formosa Oolong is what Taiwan's Bai Hao was called for over a century before the names "Taiwan" or "Bai Hao" were ever heard of in the West. This classic oolong, which is often sold as Oriental Beauty today, has always deserved its fame. It is flamboyantly aromatic, its taste and perfume often reminiscent of ripe peaches but in any case more deliciously fruity than any other tea. Traditionally defined by a crisp, open bold leaf, mostly reddish-brown, the very best and rarest may be distinguished by silver tips and edges on the leaves. The leaf colors result from high oxidation and the silver tips from the action of prized microscopic mites that may occasionally infest portions of a garden. Our Bai Hao (White Tip) Oolong has all the traditional notes of flowers and honey, and deep, rich flavors with no hint of bitterness.
- Dec 31 Mon 2007 01:58
2006桃園椪風茶文化季 壓軸好戲週末登場!
- Dec 31 Mon 2007 01:57
- Dec 31 Mon 2007 01:55
- Dec 12 Wed 2007 19:07
自立晚報 2007-09-26
下午馬英九一行人則是來到峨嵋鄉的富興茶葉展售中心,在產銷班黃森昌班長的帶領下,學習沖泡膨風茶( 東方美人茶),領略它與一班茶葉的不同。
馬英九指出,清末以來,北埔、峨嵋地區的白豪烏龍茶即聞名國際。戰後初期曾任新竹縣北埔鄉長的姜阿新,在日治時期參加茶展,適逢石塚英藏總督離台前大量蒐購白毫烏龍茶, 其參展的茶葉被當時的台灣總督府以一擔( 100 斤)2000日圓高價收購 ,消息傳回北埔,地方人斥為「膨風」!因而得名「膨風茶」。而這位石塚英藏總督,就是因為霧社事件處理不當,被蔣渭水先生一狀告上國聯,因而下台的。
- Dec 12 Wed 2007 19:05