目前分類:Tea UK (5)

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Taylors Leaf Tea Cartons

Afternoon Darjeeling Carton RT2212

Afternoon Darjeeling Leaf Tea Carton

The Champagne of teas with a distinctive 'muscatel' flavour.


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Celebration Leaf Tea Carton RT2226UK

Leaf Tea Carton

A blend of green tea with rose petals for special occasions.


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Taylors of Harrogate China Rose Petal Leaf Tea RT2215UK

China Rose Petal

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The finest quality black teas blended with natural fruit oils, layered with blossoms and peels for delicately flavoured and elegant drinks. Serve hot or cooled and iced.

China Rose Petal RT1996

China Rose Petal Leaf Tea

Fine black tea blended with fragrant rose petals.   £2.35

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Earl Grey RT1972

Earl Grey Leaf Tea

A classic blend of China black tea with natural oil of bergamot.   £2.35

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Exotic Flowers RT1986

Exotic Flowers

A fine quality black tea blended with natural oils of lemon, mango and orange. Limited Availability.


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Lapsang Souchong RT1979

Lapsang Souchong Leaf Tea

A china tea scented with the smoke of wood fires.



Lemon Peels RT1982

Lemon Peels Leaf Tea

Whole leaf Orange Pekoe black tea from China, blended with lemon oil and peels. Limited Availability.


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Mango Tea RT1984

Mango Tea

Chinese whole leaf Orange Pekoe black tea, blended with natural mango flavouring. Limited Availability.


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Moroccan Mint RT2027

Moroccan Mint Tea

Fine black tea blended with finely cut peppermint leaves, for a really refreshing drink. Limited Availability.



Passion Fruit RT1994

Passion Fruit Tea

Black tea blended with natural passion fruit flavouring and marigold petals. Limited Availability.


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Peach RT1970

Peach Tea

A blend of black tea with natural peach flavouring and marigold petals. Limited Availability.


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Spiced Orange RT2025

Spiced Orange Tea

A black tea blended with tangy orange peels, cinnamon pieces, and cloves.


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Vanilla RT2024

Vanilla Tea

Subtly sweet vanilla pieces and natural vanilla oil blended with a light black China tea.


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Taylors of Harrogate Earl Grey Leaf Tea - RT2234UK

Earl Grey Leaf Tea Caddy

Black China tea blended with natural oil of bergamot.


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Taylors of Harrogate Exotic Fruits Leaf Tea - RT2245UK

Exotic Fruits Leaf Tea Caddy

A fine black tea blended with natural fruit flavours and petals.


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Taylors of Harrogate Spiced Christmas Leaf Tea - RT2246UK

Spiced Christmas Leaf Tea Caddy

A fine black tea blended with natural citrus and spice flavour.


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Scented Black Teas

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Green Teas most resemble tea in its raw state, as the tea leaves are steamed to prevent any fermentation. Next they are rolled to release the aromatic flavours before being gently heated, creating a pale, mellow infusion with pure, well-developed aromas.

The leaves are also a natural source of antioxidants which help strengthen the body’s defence mechanisms.

Image of Moroccan Mint 

Moroccan Mint   £7.95




Image of Gunpowder 

Gunpowder    £5.50




Image of Green Ceylon 

Green Ceylon    From £3.50




Image of Green Darjeeling 

Green Darjeeling    From £3.50




Image of Green Jasmine 

Green Jasmine    From £3.50




Image of Green Earl Grey 

Green Earl Grey    From £3.50




Green Tea

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The mellow flavour of green tea is the perfect complement to an exciting range of fruits: the result is always a crisp, refreshing drink.

Image of Green Tea with Apple Green Tea with Apple    From £2.95





Image of Green Tea with Ginger

Green Tea with Ginger    From £2.95





Image of Green Tea with ElderflowerGreen Tea with Elderflower    From £2.95

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全球必BUY二十大皇室御用品牌居於首位的唐寧茶Twinings,於今日舉辦唐寧茶時尚沙龍茶派對,直擊倫敦最in茶派對玩法,活動現場星光摺摺,派對主人曲艾玲特別邀請藝人蔣怡及藝文界人士一同品嘗唐寧茶全球獨步特製伯爵依戈蘆布丁蛋糕,名模蔡淑臻更以師姐之姿率領2007 Elite模特兒新秀冠軍有小天心之稱的吳品萱分享名模之路的時尚生活品味。作家楊曼芬、知名編劇暨珠寶設計師曾郁文、前Gucci珠寶設計總監Milo Hsu、台北市糕餅商業同業公會理事長尹玉仙皆受邀出席派對現場,順成企業小開吳官德還特別玩到派對結束才離開。Tea Party已然成為時尚名流聚會的代名詞。




  號稱全球必BUY二十大皇室御用品牌居於首位的唐寧茶Twinings全球獨步率先發表伯爵依戈蘆布丁蛋糕Igloo Pudding Cake,如同愛斯基摩人冰屋的圓屋頂外型蛋糕,就像是寒冬中溫暖的寓所。奶油乾酪加上蛋奶調味醬融合伯爵茶Earl Gray Tea的芬芳在口中融化開來,能夠為每個人的內心帶來喜悅,將貴族御用點心完美演繹。唐寧茶時尚派對劇場聯絡人:02-27781200*85 張小姐

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