
  1. 低筋麵粉 200公克 泡打粉 5公克 布丁粉 20公克
  2. 貳砂 200公克 蛋 5個 牛奶 40公克 沙拉油 80公克
  3. 烏龍茶茶汁(冷) 20公克 小蘇打粉 2公克
  4. 烏龍茶茶葉(濕) 20公克


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Sunday, November 1, 2009
RİZE – Anatolia News Agency

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美眉學泡茶 變「觀茶美人」 自由時報╱自由時報 2009-10-28 06:04

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Tea Guru 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Researcher at the Tohoku University located in Japan recently published a study in Clinical Nutrition showing that when older subjects drank green tea they had a lower incidence of depression symptoms than their non tea drinking counterparts.

1,058 women and men who were 70 years or older residing in Sendai, Japan participated in the study. The scientists evaluated depression based on the Geriatric Depression Scale. After the subjects took a dietary questionnaire the results were analyzed for the frequency and type of tea they consumed. Blood samples were then analyzed for a major marker for inflammation, C-reactive protein.

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你喝的茶是山寨版台灣茶?     撰文者:林瑩秋

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2009-07-07 中國時報 【邱雯敏/台北報導】

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作者:Laurie Barclay, MD 出處:WebMD醫學新聞

  June 22, 2009 — 一項來自6項世代分析原始數據的綜合分析結果顯示,喝綠茶與女性遠端胃癌風險較低有關,但與男性的無關。這項研究結果於6月7日線上發表在腸胃期刊上。

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By Laurie Barclay, MD     Medscape Medical News

June 22, 2009 — Green tea drinking is associated with lower risk for distal gastric cancer in women but not in men, according to the results of a meta-analysis of original data from 6 cohort studies reported in the June 7 Online First issue of Gut.

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